Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You Should Not Read This Blog If:

(a page taken from the genius blog that is Dooce)

1. You are looking for profound or meaningful entries

2. You are offended by any of the following:
- Feminism
- Democrats
- Typos
-The concept of social responsibility
-Sex Ed.

3. You plan to criticize or attempt to thwart my allegiance to Diet Coke and Splenda. (Though not together, since Diet Coke w/ Splenda is surprisingly gross)

4. You feel overwhelming fury when G-Dub is criticized AND you dislike the feeling of overwhelming fury.

5. You don't enjoy the occasional in depth analysis of minutiae .

6. You anticipate consistency of form or content

7. Occasional to rampant profanity offends your delicate soul

8. You are not amused by the occasional Rick-Roll

9. You can't, at least occasionally, appreciate bad music

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