Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Parties are only fun when there is dancing!

There seemed to be an excessive amount of holiday party-age this year.  I went to three, count 'em three work Christmas parties.  Thankfully, of these three holiday gatherings all three of them had dancing.  I am a pretty reliable employee (if I do say so myself) but dancing, well that's where I really shine.

Heme/Onc Christmas party numero uno there was shaboogieing that would shame, well, pretty much anyone.  Thankfully there don't seem to be many pictures of said shenanigans but if anyone has a picture of the congo line that I started (see how coyly I just dropped that in there?  Because yep, I started that rockin' congo line) I'd love to see it.

Party number two had...wait for it...competitive dancing.
December 16, 2011
It was a delightful game of Jingle Booty, Anna vs. Nurse Leslie edition.  I'm not sure there was actually a winner but it was uh-mazing.  Pretty much the only party game I've ever enjoyed though and given how many faux-baby poops I sniffed and bridal bingos I've played, that's saying A LOT. 

I might have felt embarrassed by this show of jingle bootying but any twinge remotely akin to embarrassment was wiped away the following evening at holiday festivity number three.
December 17, 2011
That's right, that's the running man and a damn fine running man it was.  I actually find myself insanely jealous of Amy's running man, I will clearly be practicing this year in anticipation of next years dance offs.