Thursday, December 31, 2009

Please visit me!

Yesterday it finally happened. I reached the end of my feigned aloofness rope when the ninety billionth person asked me "are you a REAL blogger? or is it just for fun" I finally asked the question that's been burning a hole in my pockets since "what the heck is the difference?" Apparently, the difference lies in my dedication to getting paid. Shocking.

Getting 'paid' in the theoretical sense for running a blog is surprisingly easy to do. If you're not too profane or inappropriate (which I am apparenlty not) Google AdSense is free and user friendly program that pretty much does it for you. So, because I'm here anyways, since it (probably) can't hurt and because 2010 has officially been dubbed "The Year of a Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action If You Please" I have decided to be a sell out and give it a go. Since I have a whole 5 followers, my expectations in regards to the earning potential of this scheme is well adjusted. I figure by about 2045 I might maybe make $5. But you know what? That's five smackeroos that I didn't have at the end of 2009. I can buy a cup of caffeinated goodness from some other commercialized soulless schmoe working at Starbucks!

So far today, I've made one (1) cent! I'm already ahead of schedule!

So oh gentle readers (most of whom have this blog delivered right to your inbox in my shameless attempts to get you to read it) pleeeeeeeeeeeease oh please would you visit the actual page?

Linkey-poo to the blog page:

Most of you already have my undying love and affection, but seriously...this could totally lock that in for all eternity!

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