Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blogging Without a Baby

I have a blog.

I do NOT have a baby.

After a quick perusal of the dozen or so blogs after mine on BlogSpot that these two facts are largely incongruous in the blogging world. Apparently a baby is the number one reason to develop a blog these days. I admit it makes sense. Blog = one stop shop for Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Second Cousins and interested friends to keep up with the happenings of a burgeoning family. Not to mention the enjoyment that childless friends glean from reading along in real time as new parents rapidly approach a cliff of sleep-deprived-life-changing insanity then slowly retreat as their new family members learn to sleep for decent stretches of time and poop less often.

Since my blog is not specifically themed to reviewing cookbooks or commenting on politics, and it is not geared towards documenting the development of a newly created human being, it is apparenlty called a "rant and rave" blog. While I like this mode of blogging (I get to write about whatever I'm thinking on any given day) it has caused some concern amongst some people that perhaps I share too much on this blog, that somehow these items will come back to bite me in the ass. I am fully aware that it may.

Do I really share too much?

This assessment disturbs me given how much I DON'T share here, aware as I am that my mother is reading this (hi Mom!) and that since it is on the Internet, it is accessible to my boss, co-workers and just about anyone who cares to look for it. (I have to argue that given the numbers on my visit counter...not many people visit my blog and I'm probably relatively safe at the moment.)

As for concerns of offending those people who cannot fire me...does it really shock anyone who knows me that I am a liberal, feminist with a lot of opinions? Should I really be hiding the fact that, like millions of other women (and men) I struggle with eating and body image issues? That I get angry with our government sometimes or that I'm living with my boyfriend? Are these things to be ashamed of?

My ultimate goal here is not to offend or upset anyone. This is who I am - at least for the moment, and these the things that I think and do and the life that I live. Judge me if you will, but please, easy on the hate mail :)

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