Monday, June 27, 2011

I want

I want to go places.

I want to see things that make me not want to blink and despair over the fact that sometimes pictures just don't do it justice.

I want to see things that make me want to close my eyes and turn away but that open my soul and make me a more valuable part of this world.

I want to then do something to make those things less prevalent.

I want to write a book. 

I want to have things to say that are worth being read.

I want to decorate a home with color and light so that poeple know that it's a place to live in, a place to spill wine in because you're laughing so hard you just can't help it.

I want to talk like they do on The West Wing.

I want big book cases.

In highschool I wanted to be voted "most likely to brighten your day," I still want that.

I want to see my parents more often.

I want to pay more attention to detail without sweating the small stuff.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I like this a lot