Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hug Train

I've talked about my friends here before, usually in the context of their being a bunch of the biggest assholes you've ever seen and despite the nice things that I'm about to say, I still stand by that.

The past few weeks though, I noticed something that I truly adore about these people: they're all huggers and they're good huggers.  Not those pansy, tap tap tapperoo on the shoulders, I'm talking full body contact, sguqdging huggers.

We hug to say hello and we hug when we say "smell ya later." We snuggle in close to watch football games and leap on top of each other for pictures.  We hug even though we just saw each other yesterday and even though its a billion percent humid outside and everyone is sweaty. And when several of us show up at the same time it starts a full on hug train, it might honestly be my favorite hug scenario.  It doesn't happen often but when it does it's awesome.

I love it and I love them.  My life would not be the same without them.

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