Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Found Grossness

When I come to work in the morning, I'm pretty well prepared for all manners of grossness.  There are discussions of how to accurately describe certain symptoms and side effects (a la "fatty turds which may float"), bodily fluids that need to be processed in the lab and in the absence of all others, there's generally a myriad of unexpected smells emanating from the hospital itself. It's part of what we do and I'm okay with that.

The kind of grossness I am not prepared for however, is what was sitting on the floor next to me during Tuesday morning Beating last week:
October 25, 2011

I've come up with several hypothesis as to exactly what kind of grossness this is but being entirely unwilling to come in any kind of contact with it, its exact nature remains unknown.  Just wanted to share in my horror.

You're welcome.

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