Thursday, September 15, 2011


Some people often define themselves by their talents, by what they love and what they innately do well.  I am not one of those people.  I've yet to find something that I just happen to rock the socks off of and generally, not a small amount of effort is required to become proficient at any given task.  Even with that work, there's a pretty decent list of things that I'm just not very good at and that's okay, one has to leave room for the other people to excel.

As of today, I say let's go ahead and add to the list - totally sucking at breaking up.  To be polite, we'll just go ahead and say that I'm a little bit messy at the moment.  During the day the things that make me wreck-ish (I think) fall into the normal-ish category but the the stuff that I worry about in the middle of the night?  It's bleeding insane I tell you.

Last night at around 330 in the morning I started worrying about the fact that given the current state of turmoil around these parts, hosting a football game this season is looking unlikely.  This inability to carry my weight in terms of hosting football games will in turn would lead to undue stress upon my friends who will each have to host more games than usual.

Oh em gee I tell you, OH EM GEEE.

Because this, the equity of football hosting responsibilities is totally my biggest fish to fry at the moment.  Screw the broken heart, screw feeling completely lost and disoriented and screw the inappropriate bouts of crying...WHAT ABOUT THE FOOTBALL PARTIES?!

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