Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halleluja! The world is right again!

I'm a fan of snuggling. For this reason I am very grateful that the weather has becoming vaguely chilly, no matter how fleeting it may be.

I am also a fan of communicating. I may be one of the worlds most communicable life forms. I like to talk, chat, shoot the shit, catch up, explain, argue, teach etc. Pretty much any activity that lets me motor my mouth is a go. I have a Facebook page that my sister (hi E!) claims I update to much, but I call shenanigans. One can never post too many pithy, pointless status updates. (One CAN however over-share, thus: 86 any vague intuits towards depression, bowel movements, sexual dysfunction of any kind and passive aggressiveness in general.) And for when 108 characters just isn't enough to purvey my opinion, I have this blog in which I get to ramble and expound for paragraphs at a time, effectively without censor!

Writing may be one of my most favorite means of communication because all those coulda-shoulda-woulda saids that I can never manage to think of in the middle of a debate or argument, inevitably find themselves fully formed and far more dauntingly articulated with the use of the backspace key and a good thesaurus. Towards this end I am generally in favor of making up words when the current lexicon doesn't provide one that accurately portrays what you are trying to communicate. I mean, truly, where would I be without the terms groundation ((v.) the act of being grounded), Butt-muppet ((n.) someone who acts as a puppet for someone else, as in they have a hand up their ass controlling their mouth see also) and ass-hat?!? What I DO have a problem with, is twisting an already fully sufficient word for no good reason. I just don't see the point in gross malapropism. Thus, we have reached my point:

In recent hours I have had my faith in human semantics restored not once, but TWICE! Apparently well spoken / written English is not only not dead, but it's still flippin' awesome!

I must plead guilty to having made fun of President George W. Bush on numerous occasions for his inability to speak the language that he a.) grew up speaking and b.) is the language of the country he "ran" for 8 years. Yes, I've done it more than once but I do try to let that oh so very dead horse lie. Still, I was bereft upon learning that some of his Bush-isms were being considered as candidates for Websters annual additions to their dictionary, specifically the term "misunderestimated." Seriously people? I know that this term waw spoken by a US President but that doesn't make it correct or necessary! The definition is on Google, is that not enough! Yet, low and behold, there may be a divine being: "Misunderestimated" is NOT being considered by Websters!

The second moment of this week in which I had my faith in the English language restored was actually just a reminder of something I already knew: "smegma" is ACTUALLY a real word. I had always assumed that it fell under the category of invented out of necessity like "Shaganasty" and "Yahoo." It doesn't. It's a real word, it's in the dictionary. Now, I wouldn't necessarily suggest going and looking it up in the closest medical dictionary but rest assured, it means pretty much what you think it means. To make this even better, it can be an adjective to: smegmaitc! If that isn't awesome, I don't know what is.


lol wut? said...

You DO talk.


Seemingly only when i hit the "Play" button on the remote. Come to think of it, if the "Play" button works on you as well, i will have to test the "Mute" one later :D

SoMuchToSay said...

very very funny...so funny that I just have to point out that "a lot" is two words, not one ;)