Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Simple Life

"It hit me, I've got everything I need. And I've got freedom and my youth!"
-The Distillers 
It's been a rather rough past few days both at work and in my own head.  I do wish that I had more control over what goes on in my head though I suppose that's a skill that one masters over time.  I also wish that I had more control over certain things at work, that however is left up to a higher power and those much smarter than I.
Despite this, my life feels delightfully simple and uncomplicated this morning and I can't help but smile over that fact.  I feel the need to write about this here in the hopes that tomorrow or in 3 months, 5 years or even 10 or 20 years from now when life is not so simple that I can take a deep breath and just remember right now.

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