Thursday, May 13, 2010

Is it weird?

Is it weird that I kind of REALLY like the waiting room at the Doctors office?  It's like...recess from life.

I was sitting in the waiting room today reading a giant book that I borrowed from my dad's collection (one perk to living in this house - residual library!) and this guy behind me, smacks his gums, spat some tobacco juice into a spitton can,  shifts the straw chaff from the left side of his mouth the right and says: "thar shud be a tee-vee in here."

Are crap magazines not enough?!  There's People, Sport Illustrated (though not the ever illusive Swim Suit Issue) and newspapers galore.  Must we have TV's everywhere?  

The waiting room at the doctors office is a haven of silence and nothing better to do but read.  I hope they never get a TV in the Dr's office waiting room - it would completely ruin it for me.

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