Sunday, June 26, 2011

about that whole cooking thing

I had a goal last week, a goal to cook three healthy meal as week that I blogged about here.  It was a small goal, piddly even and seemingly easily achieved.   There was a second goal last week that I hadn't blogged about, equally as piddly and seemingly easy to achieve, which was to not work excessive overtime.  I epically failed on both counts. 

In the face of having waxed poetic about setting small but achievable goals and then failing to meet said goals, I can only conclude that I am an imperfect person who at times cannot meet even the smallest of goals.    I do suspect however that failure at the second goal may be at least in part responsible for failure of the first.

Life might not be inherently messy but mine is and only two meals were cooked this week: Bean and Hominy Potpie and Lime Chicken with Avocado Salsa.  I did however put a patient on a study, scored a dubious point against EPIC electronic records, practiced the virtue of patience, ran circles in 100+ degree heat, did the right thing over the easy thing at least twice and talked at length about leukemia with a very scared and nervous woman.  In light of all this I opted for:
instead of Zucchini Fritters with Tzatziki on Thursday night. 

Two words: worth. it.

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