We have officially entered my favorite time of year: Fall. Even living in a place where there isn't actually an Autumn but rather (as my Mama would call it) a Not Quite So Hot season, I still love it.
I love that during the entirety of Fall, I barely work a full week of work. Living in a Commie Socialist Marxist stronghold of Gainesville, we enjoy holidays such as Labor Day, Veterans Day and Homecoming. Columbus be damned, we celebrate the Gators around here.
Fall also notes the decline of humidity from the triple digits into the double digits. This past week we've gotten to open the windows, take the top off the Jeep and reduce the amount of anti-frizz serum that I shelack into my hair each morning from buckets full to juuuust a palm full. Dehydration has become less of a daily risk and my morning coffee tastes SO MUCH BETTER when I'm not sweating. I can also burning my pumpkin pie and mulled apple cider candles without shame.
Fall means football. Now, if you've ever met me you know that I couldn't give an emu's patootie about football. I confess that I spent every Monday night of middle school and most of high school in the comfy blue chair reading a book while my family watched Christ Berhman and Monday night football. It's fall damnit and this counts as family time. Never the less, once I got to college, football took on a whole new meaning: beer. Just kidding. It came to mean friends, consistant part-ay-ing and (depending on the time of the game) screwdrivers and beer. One requires variety after all.
While in Gainesville am a lackluster Gator fan at best, the minute I leave Alachua County I apparently become a RABID Gator fan. I have been lucky the past few years to have the opportuinty to travel quite a bit for work and these travels have, at times, required that I watch the Gators from hotel and airport bar. It's strange that I actually seek a bar that's playing the game and even more bizzare that watch it in it's entirely, alone. I've made several friends this way, more than I would have thought but apparenlty there's something about a girl, in a bar, yelling at the football game that attracts company. :)
Fall means soup and halloween. It means Thanksgiving and Christmas. Cool(ish) nights and the potential for a fire or two in the fireplace. It means pumpkin spice lattes and open-air arts festivals.
Sigh...I love Fall.
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