Sunday, March 7, 2010


Dear Vagisil Advertising People,

I am not a squeamish person. I work in a hospital and over the past few years I've discovered a lot about the human body and have come to the informed conclusion that human body doesn't hold a lot that I can't handle. Granted, the concept of an episiotomy (or the alternative "tearing") does give me a little bit of the willies but that's mostly the ouch factor speaking.

That being said, your new Vagisili Satin commercial, just takes it a damn step too far. Clearly stating the purpose of your product is one thing, but might I suggest revisiting your choice of adjectives for this commercial?

I am female and I may in my lifetime require such a medicated goo and even I don't want to watch that commercial.

We need to take it down a notch please.


Anna Kukulka

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