...I'll just do it here instead. I know I rarely (read: never) blog these days due to some scheduling logistics (i.e.very little time and no spare brain power to put towards brainy things like recreational writing) and to return to this blog with no no purpose but to bemoan my current existence is pretty lame but Ima gonna do it anyways. Apologies...kinda.
The best that can be said for today thus far is that I got up and went to the gym for the 3rd time this week. This means that my minimum-gym-going-goal has been met. It was a piss-poor workout but I did it and probably feel better / am better for it.
But then I put my dress on wrong after shower at the gym and only just now realized it. I mean, it was on and all necessary pieces of me were covered by it which is something but it was certainly not done correctly or with any kind of grace. What. A Buffoon. We'll just go ahead and put "cannot put clothes on correctly" on the increasingly comprehensive list of Ways to Stay Single at 28.
Perhaps the root cause of most of this whining is that I am tired. I haven't slept for a while, partially due to insomnia and part obligations that take up more of my allotted 24 hours than I would prefer. I have an exam tonight that I do not feel prepared for. I'd love to use some of my stock piled PTO to leave work early and study but because my big girl pants are (if not entirely on) at least pulled up, I am at work doing what they pay me to do. (I hear that is how the big kids do it.) To add insult to not-so-terrible injury, my reason for being at work today is making me want to throw things or cry, I can't decide which.
All I want to do is go home, eat a loaf of bread (the good baguette kind, none of that sliced shit) and go to bed.
I just wanted someone, somewhere to know.
Hang in, Annie. Whining is almost as therapeutic as a good, snotty cry. Love you!
Poor thing.
But I think the last sentence really summarizes why I like to vent. "I just wanted someone, somewhere, to know". Great line.
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