Monday, March 19, 2012

Meatless Monday Rides Again!

It is my honest belief that if bacon cannot make a meal better, cheese can.  It's true, I have the belly and the booty to prove it.  Unfortunately, just because this is so does not mean that one should be adding these things to each meal and it is in the spirit of that (and my arteries) that I'm bringing back Meatless Monday.

Does fish count as meat?  The Catholics seem to think not as is evidenced by fish fries on Firdays but I've really always wondered why.  I ask because this picture is from a week or so ago and I ate fish tonight.  I hope this doesn't subtract from my record.


March 5, 2012

Roasted sweet potatoes and cherry tomatoes served wtih sauteed spinach and onions and topped with an over-medium egg. Suprisingly deee-lish! 

1 comment:

lol wut? said...

glad to see you opted to include the sweet potatoes! looks super yummy :)