Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In the Interest of Doing the Bobcat Pretzal

Dear Future Hotter Anna,

I will have you know that today, instead of going home and watching Gossip Girl on the couch, I chose to go to Big Ron Yoga.

Just in case you don't remember, the first time you went to Big Ron's Yoga you hated it because Big Ron's Yoga is Hot Yoga.  But you've continued to go (albeit a bit irregularly) because it's hard. It's harder than running and it's harder than graduate school and something that hard warrants a little effort no?  Come to find out you don't take well to being bad at any kind of exercise.  Despite your complete lack of athletic prowess up to this point, you seem to pride yourself on being a physically strong-ish and capable person and sucking at yoga was a bit of a blow.   Honestly, I did this today (and every other day) with the hopes that you might exist one day.

I've been dreaming about pancakes since this afternoon.  Specifically, I'm dreaming about the homemade banana pancakes with warm butter, maple syrup that are literally EVERYWHERE on Pinterest today. Even more specifically, I want these pancakes:

Even though all I wanted today was these banana pancakes I still went to 100 minutes of yoga in a 105 degree room.  Truth be told, as usually, I felt pretty awesome once it was done.

I tell you all of this so that maybe in five or so years I can do this:

When this happens, I really hope that you take a minute to thank the current, soon to be former chubby, not so strong or coordinated Anna for todays decision.



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