Monday, February 28, 2011

Thinking that Kelly Osborne might be a good candidate for my posse...

In the most shameful act since forming a staunch opinion on whose better for Bella, Edward or Jacob, I started watching Joan Rivers’ Fashion Police on E.  I caught it on TV one night when I was waiting for Chelsea Lately to come on and I’ve developed a love-hate fascination with it. 

I know that this may come as a shock but Joan Rivers is bat ass crazy.  Generally crazy with a battleship sized mouth wouldn't endear a person to me but I’ve discovered I am kinda a fan.  I won’t go so far as to include her in my posse because I’m not sure that I have the armadillo-like armour that would be necessary to have her in my imaginary crew, but so long as I remain nondescript and relatively unknown, I think we’ll be good.  

Guiliana Rancic now, needs to eat a stinkin’ cracker already because she’s starting to look like skeletor.  I know that it is unkind to judge a person based on weight but her skinniness has become plank-like and while pre-famous photographs indicate that she has fantastic genetics to start with, she’s also clearly exercising some seriously insane self-restraint at meal times, and I can’t help but drink the hater-ade a little.  Rachel Zoe always talked about how Guiliana’s body is like a clothes hanger” and how fabulous fashion looks on her.  Call me nuts but I just don’t think that we should aim to have our bodies look like wire hangers.  Needless to say Guilian will not be in my posse either because those who can’t appreciate a cupcake now and again need not apply. 

Then there’s Kelly Osborne who despite thinking that this fashion stuff is very very serious business and that celebrity stylists have “one of the toughest jobs out there” comes off as a genuinely kind person with a penchant for talking about “knickers” all the time.  She avoids the low blows and manages to be pretty darn funny all the same.  Oh what a sad, sad state of affairs we’ve fallen to when Kelly Osborne is the voice of reason and sanity.

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