Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ashleigh. AKA My Easy Button

Meet Ashleigh!

It came to my attention today that Ashleigh might just be my own personal Easy Button.  Regardless of how random or odd the dilemma or question at hand is, Ashleigh always seems to have a suggestion or solution that actually works!  It's the effective part of her solution that always amazes me, it's like she has the Bat Phone to problem solving central. 

When I was looking for a good book....'s a book that you'd never have 
even thought of picking up yet you will love! Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan were all results of the Ashleigh  recommendation hot-line.

I need Christmas music that won't drive everyone around me insane...
 ...try A Very Special Christmas 3.
It's no John Denver and the Muppet's but it's Christmas-y and a little less of an assault of other people's ear drums. 

I'm having trouble confronting a friend about how their actions are hurting me and people I love...., based on what you told me 
I wrote a well reasoned, kind and balanced email to said friend explaining in a fair and measured way, the issues that you're having. 

I need jeans...
 ....oh, there are designer jeans on sale
at TJ Maxx right now...btw, you're a size 29.

I want to go on vacation before tackling graduate school...
 ...let's go to Mexico!  I'll organize it!
I found us an amazingly beautiful hotel, rented a car for about 35 cents a day and oh's a bunch of outrageously nice snorkel gear that we can use while we're there! 

There are many many more instances that I could use to prove my point, but I'm guessing that you pretty well have the gist of it.  It's a wonderful twist of fate as it were, I get this lovely person as a friend AND a myriad of solutions too boot. 

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

Wow! When you asked if you could put up a picture, I was not expecting this! You forgot the part where I booked our Mexico trip DURING your grad school orientation - not so easy button (oh, and you almost died). :)