Birthday Month has triumphed!
Despite the poo-pooing of many, and the negative actions of a few, the funsies, contentment and smiles promised by Birthday Month was delivered in spades!
Case in point #1: The Monster, Mr. Murry.
All of my fears about adding a kitten to our one cat house and becoming a Cat Lady who smells vaguely like ammonia, have proven to be unfounded. I love my Monster Murry. I also worried that Joe Lewis might not take to kindly to this orange intruder, but clearly these concerns were unbiased as well.
Score one for Birthday Month.
Score two for Birthday Month you ask? Birthday Day.
Despite talking to my bestie (hi Ashleigh!) all the way to work and partaking in my favorite of cakes (thanks for the rum cake Nurse Leslie!) I found myself in in an evening funk. I know right, there's just no excuse for being funky on one's birthday. So I drank a glass of wine and watched a rerun of Gilmore Girls. There was still some funk. So I drank another glass of wine in the bathtub with the newest US Magazine. Funk begone, enter drinks and dinner with Wes (alias: Wonderful Boyfriend) and a Birthday-Friend Kristin.
Birthday Month continued on the night of the 21st, officially known as Asheligh's Birthday. One limo, lots of great friends, some sushi and a few glasses of wine and you've got a solid, double birthday party.
Meredith came, I got to wear a sparkly shirt, nobody once made fun of me for having a few chardonnays (what of it!) and I got to spend my evening with Wes and friends who I love. If that isn't a stellar birthday celebration then I don't know what is.
Birthday Month witnessed the raising of over fifteen thousand dollars for Breast Cancer Research. My mom (Hi Mom!), Erica, Javariah along with over 1000 others walked 60 miles around Minneapolis St. Paul over the course of 3 days to raise money and awareness for Breast Cancer. They rock my face off. That is all.
And then there were....wait for it....wait for it...MATCHING SPICE JARS!!! My ever fabulous sister gifted me a fantastical set of beautiful, sleek and shiny spice jars. With labels!!!
We wrapped it all up last night with Fight Night. I myself don't watch the fights but there's just nothing quite like homoerotic MMA fighting, beer, sparring and waffle fries to ring out Birthday Month with a bang.
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