Everybody has a dream and for Justin and Dave, their dream is to make everything taste like bacon. Some people may ridicule this dream but dreams do not and should not respond to ridicule. Therefore I shall try not to ridicule but please excuse me when I pause to dry heave momentarily. Don't get me wrong, I like bacon. I like bacon A LOT actually, but I suspect bacon is similar to citrus fruit in that I loooove the original but strongly dislike the artificial flavor.
On my more palatable side is Bacon Salt, it's like garlic salt except it tastes like bacon instead of garlic. I suppose I can see the potential for this on say, baked potatoes? Maybe french fries or as a seasoning for cheeseburgers? Not being vegetarian, vegan or kosher though I don't really see a reason to use Bacon Salt when, oh I don't know, BACON would work just as well, but to each their own. BaconPop is the other J&D product that intrigues me...it's like popcorn popped with bacon grease instead of oil. If it's anything like eggs fried in bacon grease (my grandma and Papa makes these and they are A-Mazing) I could potentially be down.
From this point however, we will be delving into murkier waters: the waters of Baconnaise and MMMMnvelopes.

Mmmmmnvelopes represent a whole different brand of dedication. Envelopes where the glue strip tastes like bacon. This must be for the most hardcore of bacon lovers like this guy:
While I applaud Justin and Dave for their dogged pursuit of their dream - Baconnaise and MMMvelopes most likely won't be on my next shopping list.
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