The one thing that I've always hated about my job is that I used to scoot into my desk at 730 in the morning I'm one of the last people to get there. I find it unreasonable that 730 am is the "late" arrival time. I also find it unreasonable that my co-workers response to my assessment of this situation as obscene is that I should come in earlier. What in Gods sweet name is wrong with you people?
Getting to work super early, say around 630 am used to have the benefit of a chance at a close parking space. Around 630 you could snag one of the sparking spots in the near garage and thus skip the 10 minute walk from the big garage. Since the new hospital tower opened this is no more which is why this morning when I rolled into the near garage around 710 and saw a spot I was super stoked. Between a huge black truck (admittedly parked within the lines though almost bigger than the spot itself) and a wide-ass green sedan parked OVER their line into the drivers side of my space, was a skiiiiiinny little space. Schloop into that tiny non-space went Dora and out the passenger side door I went. I do love thwarting the best laid plans of space-hoggers.
So we were off to a good start when it happened - the pivotal event of the morning that unavoidably indicated that today was going to be an okay day. The thing that gave me hope. The moment that gave me the strength to make my morning coffee and listen to the 6 minute 37 second voicemail on my phone.
Bendy. Straws.
That's right, I said bendy straws. The cafeteria now has bendy straws.
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