I stopped by Starbucks this morning on my way to work for a Happy Friday iced coffee for Leslie and myself, sometimes a little over-priced caffeine is just plain necessary. I left the store jazzed about my giant coffee but also asking myself the question: what kind of drugs do they inject their employees with because I WANT it!
I was in line for mmmm…say 1 minute and waited for my delicious beverage for another 2 minutes. In that short period of time the three employees remembered “the usual” for probably 75% of the customers. While this is probably more indicative of the frequency with which certain people stop for coffee – that’s damn impressive! They’re smiling, joking and remembering people’s drink orders at 7:15 in the morning. At 7 am, I may or may not know if I’ve brushed my hair yet much less be brightening people’s days with caffeinated beverages and toothy grins.
So…the coffee may be (and when I say “may” I mean “is”) overpriced, and Starbucks’ board of directors may be placing stores on every street corner possible (not to mention the Charlotte, NC airport which has 7) in a devious and single-minded bid for world domination, but it is clearly whatever kind of hybrid crack they are feeding their employees that is making it such a success.
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