Sunday, May 20, 2012

More moosica

One week into the Summer A session of Anatomy and Physiology and the writing is on the wall: blogging is going to fall by the wayside.  As much as I love my little, almost entirely inconsequential corner or the interwebz, I love getting A's more.  I'm just that kind of nerd and writing for fun has already taken a backseat to less enjoyable but still necessary studying.  I'm still taking my pictures of the day but I'm guessing that it will be about 5 weeks before I have the time to sort through them much less post them.

More studying has resulted in less writing also in A LOT MORE Pandora listening and finding (if not new, new to me) songs that I love and more candidates for Song of the Day.  My study channel of preference at the moment is Sarah Bareilles Radio so the genre will be rather skewed but...meh. 

If I'm crying now, don't listen to it
It's only my heart
It's only my heart

Monday, May 14, 2012

Shake it Out - Take 2

I loved this song when Florence and the Machine came out with it and I posted it here as my song of the day.  I know it's not exactly creative to post a song twice but when I heard the Glee version I fell in love all over again.  

Same song.  New Voices. Still love it.

It's always darkest before the dawn.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hug Train

I've talked about my friends here before, usually in the context of their being a bunch of the biggest assholes you've ever seen and despite the nice things that I'm about to say, I still stand by that.

The past few weeks though, I noticed something that I truly adore about these people: they're all huggers and they're good huggers.  Not those pansy, tap tap tapperoo on the shoulders, I'm talking full body contact, sguqdging huggers.

We hug to say hello and we hug when we say "smell ya later." We snuggle in close to watch football games and leap on top of each other for pictures.  We hug even though we just saw each other yesterday and even though its a billion percent humid outside and everyone is sweaty. And when several of us show up at the same time it starts a full on hug train, it might honestly be my favorite hug scenario.  It doesn't happen often but when it does it's awesome.

I love it and I love them.  My life would not be the same without them.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

AAAAHMEN Chuck Lorre!

I always feel a a little guilty re-posting another person's work, it seems that taking someones else's words defeats the purpose of having a blog.  There are time though that something just begs to be shared, hence this re-post from a far better writer than I, Chuck Lorre. (We'll just pretend that we don't know he is responsible for Two and a Half Men.)  While the pronouns might be wrong for me but the sentiment isn't and I couldn't write it better so...a re-post it is.


He appeared normal. He spoke and behaved just like anyone else. The fact that he had no heart was very well concealed. Well, that's not entirely true. He did have one. It was just not in his possession at the moment. And this is where the story gets complicated. The woman who had the darn thing was blithely unaware of the fact. Well, that's not entirely true either. She knew that she'd left the relationship with more stuff than when she entered it, she just hadn't bothered to do a proper inventory. (Had she done so, she would have found several other hearts, as well as a few sets of balls.) Regardless, his dilemma remained the same. A woman had absconded with a vital organ and the gnawing emptiness he felt was a direct reflection of that vacancy. Well, that's not entirely true either. The gnawing thing had actually been with him since he was a child. He just liked to assign blame for the condition.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kaitlyn Grace

On April 16, 2012, Kaitlyn Grace Kieszek left us.
I lit a candle that night to help light her way on the path to wherever we go from here and I said a prayer so that she might be reassured on her journey by familiar voices assuring her that there was nothing to fear.

Usually I find comfort in admitting that I don't know what happens when we die, in giving that up to someone or something greater than myself.  I am finding small comfort in admitting that I don't understand why Kaitlyn was taken from her family so young, why her bright light was taken from us all.

What I do know is that Kaitlyn, you are missed and even in your absence you are loved dearly. Your near constant smile, your charisma and and your determination to not only achieve but to simultaneously find joy in those efforts, has touched and inspired me.  I hold you close to my heart.

I will miss watching you grow but I am comforted in knowing that you are at peace and hopefully enjoying the Popsicles and swimming pools that I am certain were waiting for you.