1. whisting shrieking shower heads are significantly more unpleasant and head splitting at 5:30 am than they are at 5:30 pm
2. changing your shirt 20 times does not, in fact, make your skirt fit better. I hear that exercise works but my parents are in town and I just can't take the time away from our intense eating and drinking schedule to find out.
3. One should never run red lights.
3a. City bus' should never run red lights
3b. Dora has spectacular reversing capabilities that prevented an Anna-Pancake from being made in the middle of 51st and 16th by said red light running bus
4. Skipping a coffee stop in order to ensure getting a spot in the close garage may seem like a smart plan, but when your are faced with no spots in the garage after all (at...ahem...6:17 am) you are required to deal with your fury without a coffee in hand or even the prospect of having coffee in hand.
So there’s this whole health care reform hullabaloo going on right now. Town hall meetings are turning into Come-to-Jesus throw downs, a lady with several missing teeth crying about ‘her America’ being taken away has been turned into a sound bite, Rush Limbaugh is looking positively apoplectic and some guy is walking around with a picture of a tree with a gun strapped to his thigh. It appears that if talk of reform isn’t a harbinger of the apocalypse, the protests against it might be.
Now, I admit that I haven’t really been paying very close attention but I’m up to date on the basics:
My thoughts on the topic are as follows:
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.”
That was a little creepy in the 1770s and it still is now. However, this does bring me to something that I’ve been festering over for quite some time now. This comparison of the Colonists in the American Revolution and Republicans now? Well son, it just don’t work. American colonists were fighting because they were not directly represented in Parliament, whereas Republicans are (and have consistently been since our government was formed) represented in Congress by directly elected representatives. You are not being repressed. You just lost. Now, I understand that losing sucks, trust me, the vast majority of my voting tenure has been marked by defeat. Seriously though, please oh dear GOP, find a historically accurate analogy.
[10 AM:] Maybe if I wear my gym clothes all day I’ll be more inclined to go running….
[6 hours later:] I’m wearing gym clothes; I should go to the gym… but leave the house? Urgh. Hrmm…oooh! FIRM tape! …Damn, need weights for this thing…canned food? No. Sigh…curling 8 oz of black beans probably won’t do me much good.
I’ve got new music, it’ll be quick and then it’ll be over.
GOD DAMN it’s hot out here
Oh! Ruby Blue for warm up! I love you Roisin Murphy
One, two, three, four…. one, two, three, four…. one, two, three, four…. one, two, three, four…SHIT! Stop counting
one, two, three, four…. one, two, three, four…
this is going to be a very long run if…Britney! Dum dum dum..oh! dum dum dum oh! I’m-Miss-American dream-since- I-was-17-don’t-matter-if-I-step-on-the-scene-or-slink-away-to
-the-Philippines….wow, this IS totally auto-tuned. Still don’t care.
oh, I’m doing good today…that’s where I stopped to walk last time and I’m barely breathing hard! Sweet!
Damn, now I’m out of breath…that’s what I get for being cocky, keep going, it’s harder once you’ve stopped the first time…keep going
Did I really think that this would be ‘quick?!?”
Ho…ho…holy god! Can’t breathe…must….push….to….next mailbox…. one, two, three, four…. one, two, three, four…. one, two, three, four…. one, two, three, four….MADE IT!
Wish I had pockets for my nano, I hope my sweat doesn’t short it out. That would suck. I think that happened to Matt, but Matt runs further than I do….he also sweats more. Would it stay if I stuck it in my sports bra? Nope.
I-got-that-boom-boom-POW-these-chickens-be-jackin-my-style……and we’re running again…boom-boom-POW!!! Space-ship-zoooom! Does Beyonce really since while running? That’s f-in nuts.
Ooh! Half way! I can see the street! Huff…huff…crap breathing really hard again….great , right as I get to the main road where people in their cars with think I’m a slacker. Why don’t I ever remember to reverse this so that my best performance happens on the main road?!?
Stop being a teenager, nobody driving by cares if you're running or walking. .one, two, three, four….okay, focus. Focus Anna, FOCUS!! On what?!? On….trampolines, water (really really thirsty right now), okay not water…your butt as it shrinks??
More like undulates.
eww...okay…not that either…one, two, three, four…. one, two, three, four….
Focus on…umm…oh! Running form! Relax arms, swing gently, pretend you’re pulling hay from your pockets. ..who the hell came up with that? Seriously, who knows what it’s actually like to pull hay from your pockets…dumb….see, now you’re running well! You probably even look graceful!
La-da-da-da-da-hey-hey-goodbyeeeeeeeee! Jay-Z’s rockin’ some electric guitar…is that a saxophone?! This might be my only running song with a brass section involved…
I bet those people smoking cigarettes in front of Kazboors are totally impressed by my running..wait?! is that me in the window?!? So much for graceful...what exactly would we call that? Galumping? Yeah, I’m definitely galumping….
Tuuuurning….up the hill…..in the home stretch….pick up the pace…okay I’m gonna need better musica...ahhh, Pitbull!
Onetwothreefour….onetwothreefour….why do I like Spanish rap so much? I have no idea what he’s…(gasp for breath) talking about. Seriously (gasp) you know its (gasp) bad when you (gasp) can’t (gasp) think without (gasp) remembering (gasp) to breathe….
Onetwothreefour….onetwothreefour…. Onetwothreefour….onetwothreefour…. Onetwothreefour….onetwothreefour….
Gasp….gasp….gasp….why is that dog staring at me? I hope it’s (gasp) not thinking about eating me, ‘cause I can’t run away if it does….